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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Facebook vs. Twitter vs. Google+

Social Network Faceoff: Facebook vs. Twitter vs. Google+
In theory, all social networks—including Facebook, Twitter, and Google+—share a similar goal: To provide you with a platform to communicate online with your friends, followers, and encircled. In reality, each network has a considerably different culture, and as such, each is useful in very different ways. Here's a look at what each network does best.

How about you guys , feel free to leave a comment on this post ...

Facebook made some compelling announcements today, and like the service or not, you can't deny that Facebook is building a powerful platform that extends far beyond what most of us think of when we're talking about social networks.

the problem with this is that most people are not looking to learn new things , it took them awhile to learn the ins and outs of facebook .. and now with all the new changes , it time for them to learn again ...

Google+ Is Like an Old-School Forum or Blog
In many ways, it also feels like a blogging platform with a very active community. That causes some dissonance for people who want to own their content on their own blog, but it's also a testament to Google+ as a solid platform for deeper-than-normal interaction on social networks.

hey i just started using google+ , if you know me and you are thinking of giving google+ a try , add me .. 

  Twitter Is Great for Broadcasting, Taking the Temperature, and Starting Relationships
unless you are a big star in show business no one really cares what your doing every minute of the day , unless they are your friends or family , which is what facebook is already taking care of ..

Facebook Is Great for Friends

While Twitter and Google+ are excellent platforms for people interested in reaching outside their social circles, Facebook is really good at reaching in and strengthening interaction within social circles that already exist outside of Facebook's database. Families; friends; co-workers. They're Facebook's bread and butter. 

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